Loving Kindness


It seems difficult to imagine that we could soften our hearts and find love amid all of the suffering we hear about. But even in the darkest of times, our hearts have the capacity to be free from the burdens of hatred. Metta, or loving kindness, can be developed through practice, to help us cultivate the unconditional, expansive qualities of the heart. It as an antidote to hatred and negativity.

These are the steps I use for practicing loving-kindness every morning. I usually set aside 10-15 minutes. You can add more time as you develop your practice.

  1. Find a posture that allows your body to be in as much ease as possible.

  2. Allow your breathing to facilitate space in your belly and chest area.

  3. Place your hand on your heart and try to recall feelings of kindness and friendliness.

  4. Recite the phrases and repeat them for the length of your practice.

May I be safe
May I be healthy
May I be happy
May I be peaceful
May I be filled with loving-kindness